Update 1 November 2021; Gratitude’s Afghan Refugees Appeal is over now, thank you for all your support. Donations of clothes and goods will be directed now to help local families in need.
20 August 2021
We are presently directing all our resources, many volunteers hours, media campaigns and networking to be able to serve victims of this humanitarian tragedy. The generosity of people and charities is indeed overwhelming and many of our volunteers.
At team Gratitude the energy is euphoric, volunteers spent long days together, receiving donations, sorting and packing. We are all tuned in to the events around our volunteer Haseena and daughter who are trying to come back from Afghanistan and till now were in danger but thank God all is good now. Abdul, Haseena’s husband and Shana her friend joined our team to translate, pack and deliver. We have a big list of kind donors to thank which we are not forgetting.
Gratitude’s Hub will operate now 7 days a week 10 am – 5 pm! We will have an open door for receiving donations, sorting and giving out.
Because Councils and overseeing charities are becoming more specific about what will be accepted, anyone wishing to donate must contact us to be given clear instructions about what is acceptable. For example, all clothing donations must be washed and ready to wear. Toiletries and toys are very welcome.
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Moments at Gratitude from the last few days since the Afghan crisis started:
“The day started with the help of the youth group NCS who sorted many bags of clothes donated for the refugees. They only left at around midday.
A lovely local mum with her 2 kids helped to sort a pack for a local refugee family. After that, we were in touch with Haseena. She asked us to bring a van full for the hotel she is in near Gatwick, as there are 40 people with nothing besides a blanket on them. Another local mum and daughter plus our volunteer Peter helped then to fill up a van with clothes, toiletries, toys and shoes which John and his nephew drove to the hotel.
When they were away, another hotel rang us that they just received 70 refugees with nothing … that’s the mission for tomorrow morning then with the help in packing from the NCS team.“
Thank you NCS kids for volunteering and fundraising on social media:

Our volunteer Haseena and daughter managed to get out of Afghanistan
Pictures from the last few days

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Hi please post what is needed or sign me up to a regular email. I’d like to try to help
Please could you let me know what donations you are accepting for the Afghan refugees?
It’s incredible all the work you are doing to help out with this crisis!
Many thanks,
I am an English tutor and have some like New text books for all levels that I could donate, but want to make sure they will go directly to the Afghan refugees and will not be wasted, as I may one day need to pay to replace them.
We are a North London prep school with a minibus full of just-washed children’s clothes packed up and ready to deliver to your collection point.
Please contact me to confirm a good day of the week for delivery – would Tuesday 14th be possible please? What time of day (morning?) and what is the delivery address please?
Please let me know where I can drop off clothes
Gratitude Hub
Old Library Building
(Near the Ibis Hotel)
Elstree Way
Thanks for checking 🙂