Gratitude’s Kid’s Corner showcase at Hertsmere Baby Fair and New Mums Donations to Barnet Neonatal Unit

Gratitude had a stall at the Hertsmere Baby Fair to promote our values, our daily work, and how we support families in need. We gave away free items to new mums, including nappies, baby blankets, sheets, books, and parasols. We received lots of positive feedback from parents who didn’t know about Gratitude, and they were happy to learn about the services we provide to the community and their families. They all said how amazing we are and how much they appreciate all the work we do.

The mums were so grateful for the free items, and we’re sure we’ll be seeing them at our service days soon! We also made contact with family services at The BECC Family Centre who will put us in touch with families in need for support.

Earlier this month, with the help from our wonderful Yavneh College Smile Project volunteers, Gratitude’s Kid’s Corner provided new born baby packs to the Barnet General Neonatal Unit. Nurses were grateful to Gratitude for these fabulous gifts for their new mums.

If you’re a new parent or know a new parent who could use some support, please visit our Facebook page for latest updates or give us a call. We’re here to help!

Supporting families in need

#Gratutude #community

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