Join Gratitude and tackle Food Poverty & Climate Change

As it is already posted on the Mitzvah Day’s UK site we also would like to reiterate the same message here: Following our hugely successful “Food Brings Us Together” Mitzvah Day activities last year, on Sunday 21st November 2021 Gratitude, the Borehamwood-based charity will be coordinating an initiative that both fights hunger and food waste, celebrates our diverse local community whilst fostering the passion that local citizens, especially children and young people have for helping our environment.


In the wake of the UN’s Climate Change conference (COP26) taking place in the UK in November and working with local secular and faith schools, children, parents, teachers and other volunteers we will come together to perform a community litter pick at Maxwell Park, Borehamwood, caring for our natural environment whilst sharing ideas and experiences about how we can tackle climate change.

Photo by Lara Jameson from Pexels

We will then walk over to the nearby Gratitude Hub to have lunch together then help distribute food, clothing, toys and books to those in need.

The day will end by unveiling a wall of children’s drawings and poems dedicated to the themes of climate change and being together, with children reading out poems or describing what they have drawn.

Together, we will agree on ten action points we can all take to combat climate change which will be disseminated to the wider public on social media and beyond. Using these we hope that others will consider making additional changes in their own lifestyles to help save our planet. This is our Borehamwood Climate Emergency Manifesto.

Participants are encouraged to walk or take public transport to the meeting point if possible. Please bring gardening gloves, litter picks (we will have a supply), facemasks and wear warm clothes/comfy shoes!

Kind request from the organisers

Time: 11am
Date: Sunday 21st November
Meeting Point: Outside Borehamwood Mosque, Maxwell Road, Borehamwood, WD6 IJJ

For further details please contact:

Dan Ozarow and Japa Carlisle

Cover photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

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