This year with all the gaps in attending school, Yavne College in Borehamwood engaged with some very helpful volunteering tasks in support of Gratitude’s various social actions. As part of the school’s enrichment club, the ‘Smile Project’ headed up by teacher Sarah Max and her team, helped us with numerous tasks such as:
- Turning stale loaves of bread and matzahs into animal feeds
- Preparing packages of hygiene products for refugees
- Sorted big pasta cases into smaller bags to distribute to local families
- Made activities bags to give away in the local families day
- Made lovely thank you notes and sandwiches to the NHS
- Made packs of vegetables for families in the community who observes Ramadan
- Made flower arrangements for their teachers
- Prepare packs of condiments and pizza toppings
- Planted sunflowers seeds of hope
- Made Mother’s Day packs of cosmetics and chocolates for local mother’s in social shelters
- Made Father’s Day gifts for local heroes
- Easter cards
- Fruit bags for kids in a local nursery
- and more….

We are very thankful for all that support and wish the kids and staff a happy summer holiday!
Gratitude Leadership