Taking part in summer events started early this year for Gratitude. We took part in a wide range of community based events all the way through from April to August. In addition, we had many distinguished visitors, engaged groups of volunteers and were open to service users, other organizations and the public 7 days a week.
- We had a team of volunteers for the Families Day in Meadows park
- We had decorations and refreshments from the Hub for the Platinum Jubilee plus 4 local parties promoted and donated
- we took part in 2 Eid parties
- we helped with splash parties in the local children’s centre
- we hosted a big church group to volunteer for the day
- we hosted a youth group from the NCS
- we supported 2 picnics of the Multi purpose day centre
- supported kids from low income families for free sessions in Jump
- helped with groceries for Camp Unity
- knitting items were sent to the Barnet Hospital
- we helped with all the needs for a mother to be in a social shelter
- we helped local families affected by fire with clothes, essentials and refreshments
- we had volunteers from TAB and SKY on our Groceries Giveaway rotas
- we were visited by a National Lottery delegate and by various local Cllrs who kindly donated from their WIIS allowances.
Cover photo by Julia M Cameron